Articles & Reviews

Fahrenheit Now: Ramin Bahrani’s 2018 film adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s novel.

“And so ended a Perfect Day”: The short, brave life of George Kendall Lucas (1895-1932).

Ken Lucas’s service abroad: stories and observations, 1916-1918.

Secret Sharers: A review of Sinclair McKay’s The Secret Life of Bletchley Park.

Saving Everyone: Iris Origo and the lives of others: a writer’s courageous service in war and peace.

Michael Marra, bard & sage: a singer-songwriter and the intersection of art, politics, and “the optimistic sound.”

Sports résumé: Percy Molson, 1880-1917: a summary of the athletic career of one of Canada’s great sportsmen.

Radical service: The Mackenzie-Papineau volunteers, 1936-39who they were, where they came from, and why they went.

Percy Molson, that selfsame excellence: the life and ethos of an exemplary man and First World War infantry officer.

Talbot Papineau, the future all before him: the story of the Liberal leader we never had, and a man divided.

Walter Allward, a service in stone: the architect of Canada’s Vimy Memorial, and the epitome of service through art.

Service, duty, and social cohesion, 1914-18: the first of two articles on a century of intense social, political, and cultural change; the West before and immediately after the Somme.

Service and duty in an age unbound: the second article on social, historical, and service-related themes; 1919 to the present.


The last five articles (those on Percy Molson, Talbot Papineau, and so on) have been adapted from Three Soldiers and the Ethos of Service.  

See Noteworthy for brief reviews of publications related to the Vimy monument, Walter Allward, Iris Origo, and La Foce (the Origo estate in Italy.)